Responsibilities Mission and Goals of a Media Company
Responsibilities , Mission and Goals of a Media Company :
1. Stockholders/owners
2. Employees
3. Customers
1. Stockholders/ Owners- Employees – Customers
2. Employees – Stockholders/ Owners – Customers
3. Customers – Employees – Stockholders
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সংবাদপত্র প্রতিষ্টানের বিজ্ঞাপন বিà¦াগের কার্যাবলী
Mission :
1. Know and serve the market
2. Produce quality product or service
3. Attract, train, promote,and keeping best possible employees
4. Increase and maintain profit
5. Position the Organization to person in the future
6. Protect the company’s franchise .
Goals :
1. Increase the editorial staff
2. Increase the advertising staff
3. Increase employees wages
4. Invest in new technology
5. Increase marketing effort
6. Saving money
Responsibilities of Circulation Department :
1. Selling the Newspaper
a. Person to person selling
b. Selling at counters and on the street
c. Selling by direct mail
d. Selling in installment plan
2. Delivering the newspaper
a. The immediate community
b. The outlying territory
3. Collecting money
4. Packing
5. Labeling
6. Agency Relations
7. Print order
8. ABC Audit
9. Circulation promotion
10. Public relation
11. Transportation
1.Managing Media Organizations – John M. Lavine Daniel ( page 67-71 )
2. Newspaper Organization and Management – F. Rucker and H. L. Williams
Media Company
Writer : Student
4th Year (21st Batch)
Department of Communication and Journalism
University Of Chittagong
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